Add the power of partnering to your next conference

Partnering is relied upon by industry leaders around the world to identify partnering opportunities, build relationships and move deals forward. We can facilitate partnering at any event with best-in-class platforms for conferences, trade missions, trade shows and corporate networking events.

EBD Group has more than two decades of experience in developing first-in-class partnering technologies and managing partnering events. When it comes to adding partnering to your event, EBD Group is your best-fit partner.

Increase delegate ROI

Attract new attendees

Improve event retention rates

20 years of experience in managing professional partnering events and communities.

The most trusted name in professional partnering.

The most trusted name in professional partnering.

EBD Group is at the forefront of partnering. Find the right solution for you.

The industry gold standard partnering solution. This fully integrated end-to-end solution turns any conference into a world-class partnering event.

designed for conferences of over 300 participants

extensive marketing through EBD Group’s entire network

professionally integrated by dedicated support team

The simplest way to inject power networking into your event. This on-demand solution makes it easier for delegates to network and arrange to meet in person.

designed for smaller events in the life science industry

connects attendees before, during and after your event

marketing to more than 26,000 life science participants