Here are the top questions we think you should be asking any partnering provider, to help you compare like for like.
Click to see our answers.
How private is the partnering and registration data of my delegates?
EBD Group is committed to protecting your privacy. On partneringONE and partneringLITE, no phone numbers or email addresses are divulged, and no one can see how many meetings other companies are involved in or with whom. Our privacy policy details the steps we take to protect your personal information.
How do I get my registration data onto the partnering system? Is data transfer instantaneous?
partneringONE has a registration page which is included in our service.
If you already have your own in house or preferred supplier for online registration and payment, you can link your system to partneringONE via an industry standard API for instantaneous transfer of incoming registration data.
With partneringLITE an event organizer simply invites registered participants of their event to click a link to join your partneringLITE event.
Do participants have individual accounts or company accounts?
On partneringONE accounts are by company and individual. Company accounts allow delegates from the same company to coordinate their partnering activities. Meetings are between two companies but both sides can decide which colleagues participate in a meeting.
partneringLITE is designed for smaller events. The accounts are personal. An agreed meeting is therefore between two people, not two companies. However, there is still only one company profile on partnering360 for people from the same company.
How are event sponsors supported?
partneringONE can schedule the meetings of sponsors to private meeting rooms, and will schedule sponsor meetings before other meetings to ensure their schedules are optimal. EBD Group also provides partneringONE clients with suggestions for benefits to include in a partnering sponsor package.
partneringLITE does not have any sponsor features. We recommend partneringONE if this is a high priority feature.
When do participants fill in their company and personal profile?
Best practice for partnering success is for participants to make updating their profile their first step in the partnering process and we would encourage them to complete their profiles once they join the tool. Users can update their profile any time, even during the event.
How are meetings arranged between participants? Are there any deadlines?
In partneringONE the administrator will run the scheduling algorithm to ensure sponsors are prioritized and schedules are maximized. Therefore, agreed meetings are scheduled in bulk about a week before the event, then regularly thereafter right through to the end of the event. partneringONE assigns all meeting locations.
In partneringLITE, meetings are scheduled in real time, as they are accepted. Meeting locations are either determined by the system – assign location automatically or can be defined by the person making the request – custom location
For both systems:
- there is an internal messaging system for requesting meetings
- recipients receive meeting requests by email. In partneringONE delegates can turn this on and off.
- only accepted meetings are scheduled
- meetings are scheduled to time slots based on the mutual availability of the participants
- there are no deadlines for requesting meetings
How comprehensive are the company profiles and where do they come from?
Standard company profiles on partneringONE are comprehensive, including profiles for the individual, company, projects, management, financing, and upload of personal photo and company logos. If a company has attended a previous event, or if they have a profile on partnering360, their profile(s) will be available to them for import into your event. Registrants can edit their profiles before making them visible to other participants, and can load their updated profiles back onto partnering360 to maintain their public profile.
partneringLITE uses partnering360 profiles, which are life science specific. It includes profiles for the individual, company, projects, management, financing, and upload of personal photo and company logos. No need to import or export updated profiles, it’s all on the same platform.
When and how do participants review other participants?
There is no need to create a catalog of participants at a partneringONE event because all of the profiles are available any time online, even for years after the event. The full online catalog becomes available for browsing from about six weeks prior to the event (or once a critical mass of participants is reached), and can be searched using a number of advanced search features.
Participants in a partneringLITE event can browse the profiles of other participants anytime, all profiles are visible as soon as the tool is launched. There is a free text search functionality which allows participants to search by person or company.
How can delegates maximize the number of meetings they schedule? Can meetings be rescheduled?
Both in partneringONE and partneringLITE meetings are scheduled on behalf of delegates to save them plenty of time and frustration going back and forth trying to determine a mutually convenient meeting time with other participants.
In partneringONE meetings can be rescheduled anytime by the project manager, if someone’s travel plans change, for example.
In partneringLITE rescheduling is done by users. Simply cancel a meeting, reset availability and start again with a new meeting request.
When is the latest that participants can start arranging meetings?
It’s never too late to start trying to arrange meetings. partneringONE and partneringLITE is always open.
Do we have to install software? Do we have to set up a server?
partneringONE is a hosted service, there is no need to install software on your own server. The server is password protected.
partneringLITE is hosted on partnering360, a password-protected online platform. There is no need to install software.
What technical support is there for delegates before the event?
partneringONE services include a project manager from EBD Group who will answer questions from you and your delegates, as well as offering online live or prerecorded tutorials to those who need more help.
partneringLITE is administered by the event organizer, who is also the first point of contact for participants. There are online tutorials available in the event partneringLITE to provide guidance for participants.
How can your partnering products build brand preference for my event?
partneringONE and partneringLITE help event organizers build brand preference by providing users with company and personal profiles from previous partneringONE events and the partnering360 platform, saving users plenty of time re-entering the information. EBD Group’s name and partnering service are well recognized as providing a high quality and dependable platform, built for the life sciences. Delegates return year after year to follow up on previous meetings, knowing they can use partneringONE to arrange their meetings. partneringLITE provides stored profiles, internal and external messaging, and helps you to keep costs down for your registrants.
What is your experience running partnering events?
Please see for current and past partneringONE and partneringLITE events. Please ask for references.
Do we (and our delegates) have access to the data after the event?
With partneringONE, Yes, the user interface for your event is available to your delegates from and you can login as an administrator at any time in the two years following an event. Messages and connections from life science events are also archived on partnering360, the world’s largest life science year round networking and partnering platform.
partneringLITE events utilize the messaging functions of partnering360, so after an event, your participants will retain all of their event specific communications in their personal messaging page, as well as the connections that they’ve made.